How To Deal With A Toxic Person
#3:- Never Wait For An Apology
The person that popped in your mind after reading the headline is the one I am talking about. We all have dealt with this person in the past, so we know how a single conversation with them could drain your energy.
A Toxic person is manipulative, egoistic, selfish, judgemental, negative, and controlling. According to them, they can do no wrong, they are always right. Trust me I can go on describing them, but I think you got the picture.
If you can avoid them, then please do so because all of us are not that lucky, some of us have to man up and face them, talk to them daily. So please think about your mental health before you engage with them, it will thank you later.
So, here are some ways you can deal with them, without losing your sanity
Don’t Point Out Their Faults
If you have ever done this before, I feel your pain.
A toxic person is someone who thinks too highly of themselves, and according to them they can do no wrong, you can shout their shortcomings in a megaphone in front of their face but they won’t hear you, because of what they have to say is far more important.
Elsa said it best “let it go”, but please try to hold it back, because if you don’t you will soon find yourself in a warzone.
Don’t take their judgments seriously
A toxic person is very judgmental, they will have a verdict on every one of your choice and they never shy away from commentary.
They say things as they are, never really caring about how much they can hurt someone with their words, which is ironic because they themselves cant take a word of criticism.
So, don’t take their judgment too seriously, they often project their insecurities on others.
Don’t let your mood dampen because of their reaction, all of your victories matter small or big, celebrate them.
Never wait for an apology
A toxic person believes that they are always right, they make no mistakes so expecting an apology from them is like waiting for pigs to fly.
Even if by some miracle you get them to see their mistake, they will probably have 10 excuses ready and a 1000 people to blame their mistake on.
So, you will have to be the bigger person by forgiving them even when they don’t acknowledge their mistakes.
Block The Negativity
Toxic people are usually pessimistic, they think of worst-case scenarios that are no way in the near present, its one thing to be prepared for an unseen calamity and another to invite one just by thinking about it all the time.
According to them, everyone is their enemy, their outlook of life is dejected and worrisome, now you can’t change that but what you can do is protect yourself from all this negativity.
Don’t let their harsh view of life change you, affirm yourself of the positive opportunities and have faith, things will get better.
Don’t Get Trapped In Powerplay
A toxic person loves the control they have on other people, they like to play the puppet master and they are effortless when it comes to exerting control, you will be dancing on their tune before you even realize it.
So, whenever there is a power struggle know that winning against them is not even a choice, all you can do then is to back off so you don’t get trapped in their web.
Avoid Arguments
An Argument with a toxic person can suck your energy, they will always assume that they are right and they want you to accept that fact.
Arguments with a toxic person are like an infinite time loop, there is no end, it will keep on progressing and soon you will lose all your calm.
It’s not easy to change their viewpoint, after some time you have to accept that they are not open-minded enough to broaden their perspective.
Keep Your Calm
This is the most difficult yet crucial point when dealing with a toxic person, most of them are manipulative to the bone so it won’t take them much time to get you agitated, which you should avoid at any cost.
Dealing with a toxic person is hard when you are sane, now think how much harder it would be if you were all edgy, anxious, and uneasy. So, do yourself a favor and keep your calm.
“I have found the best way to deal with a toxic person is to not respond in any other way than monotone voice and a businesslike manner.” ― Jen Grice
Create some healthy boundaries in your relationship, so that you can also have your peace of mind. Remember your main priority is your mental health, so protect it.